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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I think my head is about to explode.

If you've ever seen a Terminator movie, you know that the cause of the apocalypse is Austrian and totes a shotgun. Okay, maybe not the Governator himself, but as a cyborg with fully functioning artificial intelligence, he and his like lead mankind into destruction.

We've just taken a step towards that reality.

Enter: Minecraft- the addictive, open world phenomenon built by a single dude in Europe. Well, his concoction just became self-learned. A youtube user by the name of TheInternetFTW has taken Minecraft to new heights, far beyond the capabilities that anyone would have thunk in a videogame. You might as well name this guy Skynet.

Though in its primitive stages at the moment, TheInternetFTW is in the process of building a supercomputer, inside a computer game. And the sad thing- it works. Finished with the CPU, he is now on to the memory, all straight from the textbook The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles.

I'm scared to see what awaits us. Wait, I take that back. I'm actually curious as to what a real life gun-wielding, one-liner inducing, body-building cyborg will be like.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Interview with a Cinematographer.

This week, I took the time to talk to Mark Nitta (that's Lord Nitta to you), Video Production professor here at Hawaii Pacific University. The main topic, the future of technology and filmmaking.

1. What is your background in cinematography?
"Nothing, it's been a total farce *laughs.* It's goes to back to when I was in school, back in junior high. Always been involved in photography, video, graphic art. Just been involved with all these different fields over the years. I now have my own company, since high school, doing various things, like full-on multimedia centers before I came to HPU."

2. In your experience, how rapidly has technology improved through each generation?
"I don't know if you can use the word 'improve.' Just 'cause tech has evolved doesn't mean it has improved. There's no question that technology has evolved, but you can only go up to a point where the users can keep up. If you have an understanding of the tech sometimes it might be a step backwards. I'll give you an example: look at video, video necessarily hasn't gotten 'better' but we have gotten much better at fooling the human eye. Tech maybe has made it easier to do things, but it doesn't mean that what we're getting is any better."

3. Technology obviously allows us to do more things, but has technology necessarily made it easier to do things?
"One of the things that technology is supposed to do, is that it's supposed to shorten the time you do something, but now days we get hung up on the tech itself. Sometimes we get stuck deciding the ways in which we are to create something, which might be good for creativity, but when it comes down to it, you are crunched for time or you might not have enough, because you are too busy on the choices.

Like a production, I could constantly try to put things into a project, but there comes a time, I call it the 'point of no return', that you need to have something done.

Editing wise, we probably spend more time on a computer editing system than the old analog systems. Today, we can spend so much time devoted to something that with the old systems, we only had a few options, and thus, got the job done quicker."

4. Will there ever be a definite era where we can finally say, "This is as good as cameras will ever be, there's no need for a higher spec." (HD cameras and the like.)
"No. You want want to know why? Because, if humans thought in that way, we would never get anywhere. If humans were ever satisfied with what they had, we'd still be living in the stone age. If you look at still cameras, they came up with auto-focus. Then they improved the auto-focus. Clarity-wise, yeah you've hit the human eye, but there's always something you can figure out to make it better."

5. Concerning today's cameras, what do you think is the future of filmmaking: DSLR's or film?
 "Parts of the DSLR and parts of the video camera. DSLR is a fad right now. People are jumping on to it because it's the latest fad. But it's not totally functional from a video stand point. This has happened so many times in this industry, I've seen this happen all the time. Not to say that dslrs are bad, but videographers must not let that get to them. The needs of a photographer is not the same as a videographer. Some people may say that there is a convergence here, but they have to realize that they are two different mediums. Yes you can freeze the action at it's most intensity, but there are different emotions from stills and video. They are two different mediums that need to be handled in two different ways."

6. As technology gets cheaper and more widespread for consumers, do you see this affecting higher budget filmmaking?
"No, because a lot of people get into this industry for the money. Actors are paid a premium. You have all these above-the-line people; independent filmmaking doesn't really exist anymore. Every time you start up something, you have these big executives trying to take over everything. The equipment has come cheaper and allowed more people to shoot stuff, but at the same time, you can see a lot of garbage out there. Just look at Youtube- sure you have some people who are trying, and maybe they think it looks fantastic, but it may be only nice in their eyes. 'The Blair Witch Project' was a fluke and they were very lucky, but it's going to be real hard to duplicate that. People will come up with something unique and creative with low-budget filmmaking, but that talent will be swallowed up by the big studios. Once they get involved, you get so many more things involved; the executives, the money pushers… you get so many things that escalate. It takes money to make a film."

7. Do you feel professional cinematography is becoming a lost art?
"If we don't keep our standards up, then it will be. If a shaky camera is accepted, then it will be a lost art. You know you can have shaky cam, but it has to be used in a way. There's a reason why a director has the shots he has. Now there's too much imitation versus innovation. People have to pay attention to detail. We've made it so easy with software, but with all these tools, it comes down to the person and how critical they are of their own work and how much they want to push themselves in their work."

8. What constitutes a "professional" now days?
"It's more then what people think. It's not just that the person knows how to operate a camera or how to edit. A professional knows how to communicate the aesthetics of the message they are trying to communicate. They are critical of the whole, whatever you see in a  frame, they are aware of. The acting, the sound, the background, the color, the mood, the ambience, whatever it maybe, they're critical of all of that. It's now just the creation of all of that. It's the management of all of that. They have be a team leader and move the team forward. There's a whole lot more of what people think. They have to be able to notice things and be able to craft what the audience will then distinguish as a good film or a bad film."

9. If I'm a beginning filmmaker, should I go to school for it or should I jump right into it with the money I have ala Quentin Tarantino?
"Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, they were all people that were in the right place at the right time. These days, you got to have a lot of luck. I know people who have gathered their monies and tried to make the best thing in their eyes, but sometimes people don't agree with you. If you want to go the Hollywood route, go to school that will allow you to make the connections, 'cause that's what it comes down to. It's not what you know, it's who you know. You have to understand the business aspects, it's not just about the talents. It's the business culture of it. If you want to go the indie route, you should still go to school. At least know the basics."

10. I have a camera and a laptop to edit with. What can I do to get noticed?
"You want to know how you get noticed? Stop thinking just 'cause you have these things you will go anywhere. In this industry, you have to start from the bottom. If you wanted to get a backing or connections with money, you got to work your way up. Unless you have your own company or whatever, there's no way you can come in thinking you will be a director. You can't just come up with a demo reel and expect to be handed the reins, they don't care about that. What they do care about it is how good you are at listening and taking orders. How good you are at getting coffee. You have to bust your butt. People don't realize, on a set, it is run like a boot camp. You are waiting for orders and you need to get it done as fast as you can. That's the reality of production. We all start from the bottom and work our way up. We all have to pay our dues."

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I've decided on what this space will be used for.

I'm a huge nerd.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a giant dork. I'm the kind of guy who will surf wikipedia for hours looking up the most obscure cartoons I used to watch as a kid just to prove to myself that I didn't make them up ('cause honestly, who would ask me about them). I'm the kind of person who knows why in the original Power Rangers, the Pink Ranger had a skirt and the Yellow Ranger didn't, even though both were girls (or were they).  I could tell you the starting line-up for every single NBA team of the last ten years and know the stats of each player (huge fantasy basketball addiction). And don't even get me started with video games. I'd go off about that, but believe it or not, I do have some dignity and there's hope that a girl might actually be reading this.

So what does Jordan want to talk about? For one, I'm probably the person you'd want to talk to about cameras.

"Cameras huh?" Yes, cameras.

Still cameras, video cameras, Flip thingies, cellphones, computer built-ins, you name it and I've probably heard about it. Want to know the difference between Nikons and Canons? Want to know why pixel resolution and megapixels doesn't mean much anymore? Want to know why there are so many jillions of versions of "HD?" Want to know the best camera for your budget?

Ask me. The ego in me will probably answer it.  The dork in me will probably have a nerdgasm to be able to talk about these things.

*Bonus Answers*
-Obscure cartoon I used to watch but bet most people never heard of, "Samurai Pizza Cats"
-In the Japanese version of Power Rangers, the Pink Ranger was indeed a girl (and thus a skirt), but the Yellow Ranger was a dude. In the American version, the Pink was again a girl, but the Yellow was an Asian chick. Racist much?
-My favorite starting line-up of the last ten years? My favorite team in basketball the Dallas Mavericks of 2002-'03.
PG: Steve Nash (17.7 PPG, 7.3 APG .909 FT%)
SG: Raja Bell ( .412 3PT%, Defensive stopper/Kobe killer)
SF: Michael Finley (19.3 PPG. I have his jersey.)
PF: Dirk Nowitski (25.1 PPG, 9.9 RPG, Next coming of Larry Bird)
C: Raef Lafrentz (.405 3PT%, Token white guy on a team full of white guys.)

6th Man: Nick Van Exel (12.5 PPG, Token Badass)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

So as I sit in class right now...

It is Thursday, the second day of class for "Writing for New Media." I am sitting next to the one and only Mark Carpenter, king of all sports broadcasting, and have thus made it my goal to destroy him in each and every way possible.

I have yet to decide what exactly this blog will be about, but rest assured, it will be "Better Than Mark's Blog."

*Edit. Better Than Mark's Blog was the tentative title, now it will be known as "Face of Fabinski." Probably a much worse title for this blog, but it's mine and I can do do with it as I want!